
A Little Big Help

We change your little help into a big help for people in need.
We cannot help everybody – but we can help some. And we do it!



Mental Health


Mental health problems are one of the most ignored yet essential development issues, and being experience deeply distressing ignorance, prejudice, and discrimination from the common citizens. In LittleBigHelp, we believe that individuals can be empowered to reach their goals and contribute fully to society with dignity. To achieve this target and to diminish stigma and discrimination we provide mental health support in the form of Individual counseling, group counselling, play therapy, and family-counselling to the vulnerable children in the community as well as in the child care institution and for the team members also for developing psycho-social competencies. LittleBigHelp for being an important driving force to the different development issues will magnify the voice of disadvantaged groups on this important mental health issue.

In 2023, through counselling support our team reached 1991 individuals through individual counselling and 11213 individuals through 821 group counselling sessions, 748 families through home visits and family counselling, 224 children through 56 play therapy sessions

Counselling Cell

In Behala Barisha Vivekananda Girls High School (HS) Kolkata, a counseling cell was established to provide support to adolescents requiring special assistance and the teacher identified the need of counselling and referred them to Counselling Cell. In the year 2023, our counseling experts assisted approximately 200 individuals through this cell. Group counselling sessions were conducted to address a spectrum of issues, including exam phobia, anxiety, stress, attention and concentration-related challenges, memory issues, and aspects of the teacher-student relationship, among others.

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